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Welcome to the Association of Wildland Firefighting.

Members of your community deserve more. Let's offer them what they won't find in other Associations.


The Association of Wildland Firefighting is registered as an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organisation.

Any person associated with the wildland firefighting/integrated fire management fraternity qualifies to be a member. If you can identify with one of the icons you are on your way to becoming a member

The Registration Process

“Please note that membership application is done in your individual capacity. Any individual wishing to become a member of the Association shall only be admitted with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Each new member shall apply for membership in the prescribed application manner, shall be proposed in writing and seconded by the Directors, shall agree in writing to be subject to the Association’s Code of Conduct.
If the application is rejected, the Board shall direct a letter to the applicant advising that the application was unsuccessful, on the understanding and condition that the Board’s decision shall be final and that the Board shall not be required to furnish any reasons for such a decision.”

  • Group logo of VWS
    Active 2 years ago 1 member
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